3 Critical Septic System Maintenance Tips

3 Critical Septic System Maintenance Tips

3 Critical Septic System Maintenance Tips

27 February 2020
, Blog

How long has it been since you thought about your septic system? Do you do what's necessary to keep your septic system healthy and working? Too many people ignore their septic system and forget about it until something goes awry. But waiting until you notice an issue is potentially a bad idea. By the time that things are obvious, resolving the problem is likely to cost you many times more than it would have cost if you'd done the correct maintenance up until that point. Thankfully, a septic system isn't all that complicated, so there's not much that needs to be done in the first place. Some things that you should be doing are as follows.

Tank pumping: Perhaps the most important aspect of septic system maintenance is for you to have your septic tank pumped out on a regular basis. You may be wondering how often that should be, but there is no one-size-fits-all answer to that question. If you have a big tank, you'll need it pumped out less frequently than someone who has a small tank. When your family is large and this is your main home, then the tank will need to be pumped out more than someone who only uses the home as a vacation getaway. In general, expect to go about 3 to 5 years before needing to have the tank pumped out. 

Usage limitations: Unlike using a city sewer system, another important aspect of septic system maintenance is making sure that you don't overwhelm the system with too much at once. Doing all of your laundry on one day, allowing your family to all take baths one after another, and other high-water-usage activities can all overwhelm the septic tank and make it unable to digest the sewage waste. In order to function properly, your septic tank uses a complicated collection of beneficial bacteria and yeasts to break down the sewage solids. Adding too much relatively clean water at once, such as from baths or loads of laundry, can flush these beneficial bacteria out of the tank. Limiting your water use will help keep the tank running properly.

Tank additives: Talk to your septic system maintenance company in regards to what, if any, additives you should be using for your tank. In some areas of the country, you may need to use a special commercial type of beneficial bacteria and yeast on a monthly basis to ensure the health of your septic tank. In other areas, using additives is not recommended. This is why it's essential to get the advice of your local professionals to find out what is right for you and your septic tank.

To learn more, talk to a septic system company, such as Linn Septic Service.

About Me
Septic 101: A Blog That Doesn't Stink

Ah, the septic tank. It's that metal or concrete tank that lies somewhere underneath your backyard, just taking up waste and waste water. You probably don't spend a lot of time thinking about your septic tank until it stops doing its job. Then, with sewage water in your backyard and a terrible odor exuding from your drains, it is hard to think about anything other than your septic tank. As strange as it may sound, we have a passion for septic tanks and all things septic-related. We think you will benefit from learning more about this apparatus, so we designed this website. Read the articles here, and you'll come to understand just why your sewage is backing up or why your drains smell, which is the first step towards fixing the problem.
